Friday, August 22, 2008

Obama Chooses Biden for VP

My first thoughts are why in a big cry-baby voice. I'll have to marinate on this one. He is highly suspect to me after his "clean and articulate" comment from a few months ago. That and he's been around 4EVER. That doesn't necessarily make you viable. Milk can be around 4EVER but you wouldn't want to drink it!

Just the fact that he didn't get WHY that was so offensive as if he couldn't imagine a non-white person to be educated and presentable. Dude, if you can't get that you are more than out of touch. If you can't see another person as a human being on equal footing - ah there's the rub. It's the ol' I will be behind this line and you can be behind that line scenario. Geez what an ass!

Since Obama refers to him as his 'friend' Imma have to take that with a grain of salt. I really want the people behind the curtain to be exposed now. This is a little too much capitulation even for me unless some rational and highly informed person in the blogosphere can properly explain WHY THIS IS A GOOD IDEA.'s so not gonna be like Christmas is it? I just have to keep reminding myself how much McCain in office will SUCK!

Rinse and repeat.

Write it on the blackboard.

McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK. McCain in office will SUCK.

I almost.......maybe would've felt better with Clinton.......ah kung-fu death grip to my brain as aliens suck out the marrow....

This country is really fucked up......


I hope to not ever publish a post where I curse and use so much slang but I'm kinda in that mood right now and will not censor it. I need a drink.

Update: I guess I didn't need that drink afterall but I did need to add this video. Watching reruns of the Chris Rock show on HBO from the late 90's/early 2000's is a trip.

Caveat: I only like the chorus and usually close my ears to the rest of the song. I'm such a wuss!


Liz Dwyer said...

LOL... about your blackboard. I don't really get this choice either but it is what it is. I seriously think he picked Biden because he kept his mouth shut and didn't give the media any real leads.

Faith at Acts of Faith Blog said...

Yeah I feel a message coming to tell us to 'suck it up'. So I just added the DMX video for Party Up In Here. i think the chorus fits.

Unknown said...

I'm with you on the Biden thing. I've been praying for days that Caroline Kennedy would pull a "Cheney" and forward herself.

So here we are. A DC-entrenched 'Establishment' Dem as Veep. Sigh. (And yeah, your blackboard helps!)

I've checked out MSM blogs this a.m., and it seems the more traditional Dem base is happy with the choice. Progressive liberals may be grieving a bit today, but -- as you well said -- we'll do well to 'suck it up' for the sake of getting Barry & Michelle into the WHouse. This'll work....

Faith at Acts of Faith Blog said...

Susu- I am not pleased with Obama's selection but it is what it is. I just hate to think I'll feel like holding my nose as I vote for a completely different reason than if Clinton had been the nominee. I was hoping to not feel that way at all.