Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Kwanzaa Day 6: Kuumba

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Today we are observing the sixth principle of Kwanzaa: Kuumba - Creativity.

The goal is to do as much as we can, in the way we can, to leave the community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it. 

Now this principle is very important in light of the decaying neighborhoods many of us are trying to live in. Since it is usually Black women that are being conditioned to hold the 'community' together and rally against white racism to their detriment it's time for other people - the men - to step up. 

Until then I think the heart of this principle needs to be followed: leave the community. Perhaps once it's been restored there can be a reunion. Hanging on the roof while a tidal wave is raging doesn't offer the opportunity for community development though.

Now back to our scheduled message of the day. The History Channel has a society and culture section with a video on Kwanzaa traditions.

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