Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Obligatory Idol Post

Well it's almost over and I'm a sucker so I have to do an AI recap. Even if it's for posterity sake and part of my blog archive, lol! Last night was the combo of Judges' Choice/Contestant Choice. I refuse to make a prediction about who'll be sent packing today because Allison getting voted off last week threw me for a loop! Can we get a do-over and have Anoop and Allison back? 

I'm still not sure that Adam will win for the reasons I've repeated to the point of ad nauseum. This season of 24 ends next week and I'm 4 episodes behind so trying to keep up with the talent show juggernaut should be easy. If Danny survives he might just win. If Kris advances he might win. So far I believe Will Young is the only openly gay Idol and he's British. Anyway these people are total strangers and I'm emotionally invested which kinda pisses me off in a way. I feel manipulated. Last year the ratings fell. I didn't watch one episode. This season they're up. I rest my case.
I like Adam, but didn't really love this arrangement. I had to listen to it twice. I figured out it was too short and if he'd sang another verse and chorus it would not have sounded so abrupt. I still want him to win.
I thought this was a good performance as well. But he does look like he could be hired as an actor on One Tree Hill. 
I yawned a bit through this so I guess that says it all. That doesn't mean he won't win though.

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