Friday, June 5, 2009

Old School Friday - Videos That Make Me Go Whoa!

This week's meme is: I'm In the Mood For and I've chosen videos that kinda creep me out. Technically they're not that old but I'm bending the rules. Massive Attack has a knack for pushing the envelope with their creative interpretations which I love! Then I went back to two songs and videos that are older. Leftfield made a video about the discarded landmines being left in countries and threw the message in  dance song. Portishead was at their best when they first came out and this technique can be found in commercials every day but it was quite innovative 11 years ago.

What could be more "creepy" than a baby in utero singing? And yes, it's the theme for the American tv show that stars a British actor in vocal drag.

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PPR_Scribe said...

This is what a video should do: evoke a strong visual mood. I really liked the second one.

So...why are you in a "creeped out" mood?

Maybe I should rent a good horror flick this weekend. Haven't seen a really good one in a while...

Happy OSF!

Faith at Acts of Faith Blog said...

PPR_Scribe Perhaps I should say "gives me the willies" instead, but I've watched the Teardrop video after having a few cocktails and I can tell you it starts to take on a completely different spin to me where I've felt stuck in a nightmare. Anyway...the Afrika Shok video has the protagonist missing limbs one by one and that is creepy, but very effective.